Guns n' roses: Estranged (from Use your illusions II) Orig tabbed by: Tim Ruffer, As with most Guns N Roses songs, this is played very awkwardly. The reason for this is that they tune their guitars half a step down. So if you have a piano one semi-tone too high (you play a c and the sound is a b) like me then the tunes are much more simple. However I've written this out for a regular piano: Chords used in the song: [F#7F#7] [BB] [AA] 4|e| 4|F| 4|e| 4|C| 4|D| 4|C| 3|a| 3|b| 3|a| 3|F| [E5] [F#5] [DD] [EE] 3|b| 4|C| 3|a| 3|b| 3|e| 3|F| 3|F| 3|G| 3|d| 3|e| For those that don't know or aren't sure, a chord with the number 5 next to it [E5] just means to play the first and 5th note, i.e. miss out the middle note. [F#7F#7] [BB] When you're talking to yourself, and no one is at home [F#7F#7] [BB] You can fool yourself; you came in this world alone FIG. 1: First solo (using same chord pattern): 5|--eC----|--Fe-CC-|-----C-eC-|--------| 4|Fa------|Fa------|b---------|b-----A-| 5|--eC----|--Fe-CC-|-----C'eC-|-----c------| 4|Fa------|Fa------|b---------|b---b-babaF-|a [AA] [bb] [e5] [F#5] so nobody ever told you baby... [AA] [bb] So what'll happen to you baby... [e5] [F#5] guess we'll have to wait... (end of Fig. 1) [DD] [EE] (1234)(12)One Two! Fig. 2: 5|---C----|---C------|-----C----|---C------| 4|-CF-----|-Fb-----bA|bAF-C-----|-Fb-----bA| 3|F-------|b---------|----------|b---------| 5|-----C----|--------|CcC-------|--------| 4|bAF-C-----|b-------|----------|a---G---|F Fig. 3: 4|--C-C-C-|--C-C-C-|--C---C-|--C-C-C-| 3|C-F-F-F-|--F-F-F-|--F---F-|C-F-F-F-| 2|F-------|b--b-b-b|a--ab--b|F-------| 2|--------|e--e-e-e|d--de--e|--------| Sung along to Fig. 3: Old at heart... [e5] [F#5] I don't know how... [e5] [F#5] And what more could you ask ... [e5] [F#5] How could you say that I never ... [DD] When you took ... [EE] Said you took... Play Fig. 2 Sung along with Fig. 3: Young at heart... [F#7F#7] [bb] Still talking to myself, and nobody's at home Play FIG. 1 2|F-------|--------| 1|b-------|--------| Piano Solo (trill notes not included): 5|abb-b-----|baF-e-----|efed--d---d---|d-------------| 4|----------|----------|----b--b---b--|-bgFe---------| 2|----------|d-------d-|--------------|e-----efed--d-| 1|b-------b-|----------|b---------b---|----------b---| For this solo, there are trill notes at the beginning of each bar. For the first bar, the note is: F(#). For the second bar, it is a. At the beginning of the third bar, the trill note is d with the notes in the middle of the bar both being b. The trill note at the beginning of the fourth bar is also a b. This is the long bit with the chords. I can't be bothered to write out the rhythm, so I'll just write the name of the chord and how to play it. Each chord lasts for one bar: [b5]4|F| [d5]4|a| [b5]4|F| [d5]4|a 3|b| 4|d| 3|b| 4|d 2|F| 2|a| 2|F| 2|a 1|b| 2|d| 1|b| 2|d [b5]4|b| (yes, that [d5]4|a [AA]4|e 4|F| is what I 4|d 4|C 2|F| meant!) 2|a 3|a 1|b| 2|d 2|a 1|a [AA]4|e [EE]4|G [BB]4|F [F#F#]4|F 4|C 4|e 4|D 4|C 3|a 3|b 3|b 3|A 2|a 3|e 2|b 2|F 1|a 2|e 1|b 1|F [AA]4|e [bb]4|F [AA]4| [bb]4|F 4|C 4|D 4| 4|D 3|a 3|b 3| 3|b 2|a 2|b 2| 2|b 1|a 1|b 1| 1|b [AA]4|e [EE]4|e [?]4|e [AA]4|e 4|C 3|b 4|C 4|C 3|a 3|G 3|A 3|a 2|a 2|e 2|e 2|e 1|a 1|e 1|e 1|e [EE]4|e [bb]4|D [F#F#]4|C [EE]3|b 3|b 3|b 3|A 3|G 3|G 3|F 3|F 3|e 2|e 2|b 2|F 2|e 1|e 1|b 1|F 1|e [Eaug6]4|d 3|G 3|e 2|e 1|e [bb]4|D [F#F#]4|C [EE]3|b [Eaug6]4|d 3|b 3|A 3|G 3|G 3|F 3|F 3|e 3|e 2|b 2|F 2|e 2|e 1|b 1|F 1|e 1|e [bb]4|D [bb]4|D 4|b 4|b 3|F 3|F 2|b 2|b 1|b 1|b when I find all of the [F#F#] [EE] reasons, maybe I'll find ... [bb] find another day, [F#F#] [EE] with all the changing... [bb] [F#F#] [EE] of my life, maybe I'll get it right, next time. [bb] [F#F#] And now that you've been broken... [EE] Got your head out of the... [bb] Back down on the... [F#F#] You don't talk... [EE] And you don't walk... [bb] [F#F#] [EE] Anymore. And what for? I'll write in the solos at the end. But the chord sequence through the solo, goes something like this (all chords last for one bar): B, G#m, F#, E, Eaug6, B, F#, E, Eaug6, B. [BB] [F#F#] When I jump in to the... [EE] Too many times to make... [bb] I'm out here on ... [F#F#] Drifting all... [EE] [bb] If it doesn't show, give it... [F#F#] [EE] To read between the lines. [G#5] [F#5] [E5] [F#5] 'cos I see the storm getting closer [G#5] [F#5] [E5] [F#5] And the waves they get so high, [G#5] [F#5] [E5] [F#5] Seems everything we've ever known's here, [G#5] [F#5] [E5] Why must it drift away and die. [C#5], [A5], [F#F#], 4|---------C|------eC--|---------C|----------| 3|b-b-b-aGa-|b-b-b-b---|b-b-b-aGa-|b-b-b-b---| 3|F-F-F-F---|F-F-F-F---|F-F-F-F---|F-F-F-F---| 2|b-b-b-b---|b-b-b-b---|b-b-b-b---|b-b-b-b---| The next part of the song is the dolphin sound style solo. You can't really do it on piano, but the nearest you can get, is to play chords [BB] and [AA], and play around with the notes F#, G#, C#, and B. It does that for 7 bars, then starts the second main end solo which is also at the end. Rather than doing chords as backing I play octaves of these notes in the following sequence: 2|b-b-b-b-|b-b-b-b-|F-F-F-F-|e-e-e-e-|b-b-F-F-| 1|b-b-b-b-|b-b-b-b-|F-F-F-F-|e-e-e-e-|b-b-F-F-| 2|b-b-b-b3|e-e-e-e2|a-a-a-a-|a-a-a-a-|b-b-b-b-| 1|b-b-b-b2|e-e-e-e1|a-a-a-a-|a-a-a-a-|b-b-b-b-| 2|b-b-b-b-| 1|b-b-b-b-| [BB] [F#F#] I'll never find anyone to ... [EE] Guess I'll have to make... [BB] [F#F#] [EE] This time ' oh this time, [EE]. [E5], [C#5], [E5] Without you. [B5], [A#5], [G#5] [F#5] [EE] [F#5] I knew the storm was getting closer, [G#5] [F#5] [EE] [F#5] And all my friends said I was high, [G#5] [F#5] [EE] [F#5] But everything We've ever known's here, [G#5] [F#5] [EE] I never wanted it to die. I'm not sure about the ending chords, but they can't be too hard to work out. The very last chord is a B. Now for the solos. Both of the solos are very tricky and hard to get your fingers around. I'm still grasping them, but I know how they go: Solo 1 (after 'you don't walk so proud, anymore, and what for?'): 5|-------------C--|C------------C--|F-D---C----C----| 4|b---------FGb-bG|----b-b---FGb-bG|----------b-AbAG| 6|----------------|----------------|-------------C--| 5|-------------Ce-|eFaFaFGbbbabbaba|b---------FGb-bG| 4|FGeFCe--FeFGb---|----------------|----------------| 6|C------------C--|CD--F-------C-Fe|-eD-eDeCDCDDCC--| 5|--b-b-----FGb-bG|------b---b-----|--------------bG| 6|D---------------CDeD|F------e|D-------| 5|--------------------|--------|--------| When I find all of the reasons. . . Solo 2: After 7 bars of the dolphin style sound which I wrote above, it comes to this solo. There a lot of demi-semi-quavers in this solo and I've decided that it would be easier to read if they weren't added in. But they are quite easy to work out: 6|----------------|F--aF------aFed-|F--aF------aFed-| 5|dC--dC-d-C---C--|---------------b|---------------b| 4|--bG--b---bGb-bG|----------------|----------------| 6|d--C------------|----------------|----------------| 5|----b-----a-F-ed|----eF--------d-|----F-aed---efed| 4|----------------|b-------F---ab--|b---------------| 6|--------Cd-CdeFe|aeFaeFeFFed-d---|----------------| 5|eFabbFab--b-----|-----------b--ba|bbaFaFeded--Fede| 4|----------------|----------------|----------ba----| 5|F-------| Song Chord Charts:
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