F> Poor Man's (or Woman's) Copyright - Da Tickler
.> If you want to legally copyright your on songs, compositions, etc.,
T> with minimal cost here's what you need to do:
B> 1. Print out two (2) hard copies of your entire song or composition.
A> 2. Have someone you know that is a registered 'Notary Public' (so
B> you don't have to pay someone) sign, date, & stamp each sheet
B> along with another, secondary witness, and yourself signing also.
R> 3. Mail them to yourself registered mail. This will cost about
.> $10.00 U.S. DO NOT OPEN THE REGISTERED LETTER once you receive it.
C> Put it somewhere safe like a safety deposit box at your local bank.
M> 4. Within seven (7) years (if you haven't already registered it with
-> BMI - Broadcast Music, Inc. by then) re-send the same registered
F> letter to yourself again in a new envelope. DO NOT OPEN THE
R> ORIGINAL REGISTERED LETTER. Just put the entire original letter
.> (envelope & all) in a new envelope & send it to yourself registered
T> mail, again. Once you receive it, don't open it. Put it in a safe
A> place for keeping for another seven (7) years. Repeat as required.
N> That's all you have to do to legally copyright your work. The Post
A> Office date stamp on the registered letter from when you mailed it
B> stands up in court as the date of official copyright along with the
B> Notary Public stamp. If ever you have to make a claim against someone
E> for stealing your music, all you have to do is present the unopened
R> registered letter(s) containing your work in a court of law & it will
.> be recognized.
O> Steely Dan wrote a song about this: 'Rikki Don't Lose That Number'.
-> 'Rikki dont lose that number.
F> You don't wanna call nobody else.
R> Send it off in a letter to yourself.
.> Rikki dont lose that number.
T> It's the only one you own.
A> You might use it if you feel better
B> When you get home.'
A> This is about a song someone they knew wrote, and was going
B> to throw away, but they thought it was worth keeping.
E> Happy composing, songwriting & copyrighting, Da Tickler.
.> P.S.: Use your real name when you sign it,
C> not your TabNabber screen name (he-he).