F> Amazing Grace - John Newton
R> Tabbed & Chorded By: Da Tickler
T> 3/4 TIME 'SLOWLY' on an organ. I saved it on 'piano' because
A> the MIDI would draw several of the notes on some lines out
B> to the end of each line, and it wouldn't sound right.
A> This is VERSES #'s 1 & 7 LYRICS (Repeat at END).
B> VERSES #'s 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 LYRICS are at the bottom.
E> A- maz- ing Grace, how sweet the sound that
R> G C G
C> R4|d-g-|g>>>>>>>b-g-|b>>>>>>>a>>>|g>>>>>>>e>>>|d>>>>>>>d>>>|
O> L4|----|----d---d---|----d-------|----c-------|------------|
M> L3|----|g-b---b---b-|g-b---b-f-b-|e-g---g-e-g-|d-g-b-g-b-g-|
F> saved a wretch like me … I
R> G D7
T> R5|------------|------------|d>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>>>>>>----|
A> R4|g>>>>>>>b-g-|b>>>>>>>a>>>|------------|--------b>>>|
B> L4|----d---d---|----d---d---|----d-----d-|----d-------|
N> L3|g-b---b---b-|g-b---b---b-|d-a---a-g---|F-a---a-e-a-|
B> once was lost, but now am found … Was
B> G G7 C G
R> R5|d>>>>>--d---|------------|------------|------------|
.> R4|------b---b-|g>>>>>>>d>>>|e>>>>>g-g-e-|d>>>d>>>d>>>|
C> L4|----d---d---|----d-------|----c---c---|------------|
O> L3|d---b---b---|d-f-b-f-b-g-|------------|----b-------|
M> L3|--g---g---g-|----g-------|c-g-e-g-e-g-|d-g---g-d-g-|
F> blind, but now I see …
R> G D7 C G
T> R4|g>>>>>>>b-g-|b>>>>>>>a>>>|g>>>>>>>>>>>|>>>>>>>>>>>>|
A> L4|----d---d---|----d-------|----------c-|----d>>>----|
B> L3|g-b---b---b-|d-a---a-F-a-|c-g-e-g-d-g-|d-g-b>>>----|
B> VERSES #'s 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 LYRICS:
B> ----------------------------------
R> VERSE #2 -
C> T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear,
O> and Grace, my fears relieved …
M> How precious did that Grace appear,
-> the hour that I first believed …
R> VERSE #3 -
T> Through many dangers, toils, and snares
A> I have already come …
B> 'Tis Grace has brought me safe thus far,
N> and Grace will lead me home …
B> VERSE #4 -
E> The Lord has promised good to me.
R> His word my hope secures …
.> He will my shield and portion be,
C> as long as life endures …
M> VERSE #5 -
F> Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
R> and mortal life shall cease, …
.> I shall possess within the veil
T> a life of joy and peace …
B> VERSE #6 -
A> When we've been here ten thousand years
B> bright shining as the sun …
B> We've no less days to sing God's praise
E> than when we've first begun …
O> _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/
M> _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
-> _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/
F> _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
R> _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/
T> _____________________________________________
A> /_ _ ____ ALESIS QS6.1 /|
B> ///// ///// --- -- _______ /777777777777777 / |
N> ///// ///// --- -- /______/ /7777777777777/7 / |
A> / _____________________________________ / /
B> / / // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// / / /
B> /___//////////////////////////////////////___/ /
E> _______| |111111111111111111111111111111111111| | /_________
R> / _ |____________________________________________|/ /|
.> / // - -- /________/(O) --- --- --- KORG / |
C> / // - o o o o -- ---------- - - ---- --- TR88 / |
O> / -- ________________________________________________________ / /
M> / (^) // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// / / /
-> /_____/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////_/ /
F> | |1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111| | /
R> | | /
.> |_________________________DA TICKLER ROCKS!_____________________|/
T> ( )/\ \ \ ( )/ / /
A> \ \ \ \ / / / /
B> \ \ \ \ / / / /
N> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~