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The Rolling Stones


Brown Sugar [CRD]

Sheet Music Reference

Notation by:
Da Tickler
Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones Chorded By: Da Tickler 4/4 TIME @ 126 BPM (3 Min. 53 Sec.) in 'C'. Chords Used: -----------               GUITAR              KEYS          E  A  D  G  B  e    Bass|  Chord         ------------------   --------------- C*    -  x  x  14 12 13 12    C    G-C-E G*    -  x  x  12 12 12 x     G    G-B-D C     -  x  3  5  5  5  3     C    G-C-E F*    -  x  x  7  5  6  5     F    A-C-F Eb    -  x  6  8  8  8  6     Eb   G-Bb-Eb Ebs4  -  x  6  8  8  9  6     Eb   Ab-Bb-Eb Cs4   -  x  3  5  5  6  3     C    G-C-F Ab    -  4  6  6  5  4  4     Ab   Ab-C-Eb Bb*   -  6  8  8  7  6  6     Bb   Bb-D-F F     -  1  3  3  2  1  1     F    A-C-F Bb    -  x  1  3  3  3  1     Bb   Bb-D-F G     -  3  5  5  4  3  3     G    G-B-D INTRO: [16 M] ----- 'INTRO' Guitar TAB (1st 8 meas. - Play TAB [4 Measures] TWICE)   C*  G*    C          F*  C        C*  G*    C          F*    C   1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &  1   2   3   4 …  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &  1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & … |C*  G*    C     |    F*  C       |C*  G*    C     |    F*    C     | |C*  G*    C     |    F*  C       |C*  G*    C     |    F*    C     | |Eb    Ebs4  Eb  |C     Cs4   C   |Ab      Bb*     |C     Cs4   C   | |Eb    Ebs4  Eb  |C     Cs4   C   |Ab      Bb*     |C     Cs4 C       |                                                                   Gold… VERSE #1: [8 M] -------- |C                             |C                       | … Coast… slave-… ship bound for cot-ton… fields,…   sold… |F                     |F                        | …  in a mar-ket down in New Or-… leans…   Scarred… |C                        |C                        | … old… slav-… er know he's do-in' al-… right…   Hear… |Bb                         |F                    | … him whip the wo-… men just… a-round… mid-…night… CHORUS #1: [12 M] --------- |G       |G                 |C                  Cs4  C    |C  Cs4 C |             Brown… Su-gar,…   how come you taste… so good?… |G       |G                  |C                 Cs4    C     |C  Cs4  C |             Brown… Su-gar,…    just like a young girl… should…   A-huh… |Eb Ebs4 Eb|C Cs4 C |Ab  Bb  |C  Cs4 C     |                                       Drums… VERSE #2: [8 M] -------- |C                          |C                      | … beat-… in',… cold Eng-lish blood runs… hot,…   La-… |F                          |F                             | … dy of the house… won-drin' where it's gon-na stop…  House… |C                      |C                       | … boy… knows…  that he's do-in’ al-… right…   You… |Bb                         |F                     | … should-a'… heard… him just… a-round… mid-… night… CHORUS #2: [12 M] --------- |G        |G                 |C                  Cs4  C    |C  Cs4  C   |  A-a-a-ah,…  Brown… Su-gar,…   how come you taste… so good?…        A-ha… |G       |G                  |C                 Cs4    C     |C  Cs4  C |             Brown… Su-gar,…    just like a young girl… should…   A-huh… |Eb Ebs4 Eb|C Cs4 C |Ab  Bb  |C  Cs4 C     | VERSE #3 / CHORUS #2: [20 M] Voice TACET - Guitar Solo - -------------------- |C       |C       |F       |F       |C       |C       |Bb      |F       | |G       |G       |C Cs4 C |C Cs4 C |G       |G       | |C Cs4 C |C Cs4 C |G       |G       |C Cs4 C |C       | VERSE #4: [8 M] -------- |C                      |C                       |   I bet your ma-ma was a tent show… queen,…   and… |F                           |F                      |C                    | …  all her girl-friends… were sweet six-… teen…   I’m… no… school-boy but I |C                       |Bb                          |  know what I… like…   You… should… have heard… me just… |F                     | … a-round… mid-… night… CHORUS #4: [12 M] --------- |G       |G                 |C                  Cs4  C    |C  Cs4 C  |             Brown… Su-gar,…   how come you taste… so good?… |G       |G                  |C                 Cs4    C     |C Cs4  C |             Brown… Su-gar,…    just like a young girl… should… |G       |G       |C   Cs4 C |C               |                                    I said yeah… CODA: [26 M] ---- |G               |C             |C           Cs4    C     | …   yeah,…  yeah,…  yeah,… WOO!…  Just like a… Just like a |C             Cs4    C        |G               |C             |  black girl should… I said yeah…   yeah,…  yeah,…  yeah,… WOO!… |C           Cs4    C     |C             Cs4    C        |G               | … Just like a… Just like a black girl should… I said yeah…   yeah,…  yeah,… |C             |C    Cs4    C     |C             Cs4   C    | …  yeah,… WOO!…        Just like a black girl should…   Yeah… |G               |C            |C   Cs4 C    |G               | …   yeah,…  yeah,…  yeah,… WOO!…         Yeah…   yeah,…  yeah,… |C            |C   Cs4 C    |G               |C            |C   Cs4 C    | …  yeah,… WOO!…         Yeah…   yeah,…  yeah,…  yeah,… WOO!…         Yeah… |G               |C            |C   Cs4 C    |C       |C       | …   yeah,…  yeah,…  yeah,… WOO!…        Yeah…     _/_/_/   _/_/     _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/   _/_/   _/  _/   _/     _/_/_/ _/_/_/    _/   _/  _/ _/        _/      _/   _/   _/ _/ _/    _/     _/     _/   _/   _/   _/  _/_/_/       _/      _/   _/      _/_/     _/     _/_/   _/_/_/  _/   _/  _/   _/      _/      _/   _/   _/ _/  _/   _/     _/     _/  _/ _/_/_/   _/    _/     _/     _/_/    _/_/  _/    _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/    _/                    _____________________________________________                   /_ _  ____       ALESIS QS6.1                /|                  ///// ///// --- -- _______  /777777777777777 / |                 ///// ///// --- -- /______/ /7777777777777/7 /  |                /   _____________________________________    /  /               /   / // /// // /// // /// // /// // /// /   /  /              /___//////////////////////////////////////___/  /       _______|   |111111111111111111111111111111111111|   | /_________ 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|----------|---------|--------|-------- PLEASE NOTE --------|--------|-----------|---------|
The above "The Rolling Stones" transcription / sheet music was developed and submitted by people over whom TabNabber exercises no control. It is intended for private study, research, and to help educate and expand the talents of musicians everywhere.
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